
For the season 3 opener I discuss hypnosis. What is it? How does it work? Is it like in the movies? If you saw Hypnotic on Netflix, you may have reservations about trying it. But I take a dive into the topic in this episode and hopefully answer all of your questions!

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Fad diets are a dime a dozen… or a dime a million if we are being honest. Decades of research has shown the effectiveness and healing benefits of the ketogenic diet, but it is not a realistic or sustainable diet for the vast majority of people. We also know that processed sugar and carbohydrates are at the root of most metabolic diseases and in fact, disease in general. BUT that is NOT to say carbs are evil, bad, or that they should even be avoided! Carbohydrates can be of service to our bodies and our wellness! In this episode I discuss the basics of the Blood Sugar System Diet and how you can implement it to keep carbs in your life and heal at the same time.

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In today’s world telling your kids “no” sounds almost taboo. But what are the consequences of not saying no? What are the consequences of not having a definitive hierarchy within the home? Is it possible to still love, care for, provide. and protect your children while not just telling them “no”, but telling them no more often? That is what I discuss this week!

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Who doesn’t enjoy a few minutes in a sauna? The heat makes you sweat and you can get rid of all the toxins your body is holding on to. Maybe you do it to lose those last few pounds. Or you have heard or read somewhere that sauna’s increase longevity, improve health, and help in recovery. But is any of that actually true? Do sauna’s have any ACTUAL benefit? What about infra-red saunas compared to heat sauna’s? Tune in to find out!

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I asked you all to submit your questions and you did! This week I answer 10 questions that were asked. I chose questions that I thought were interesting, had been asked by multiple people, or that I hear a lot from people I work with. Thank you for your support and for tuning in to the podcast! If you have questions you want to ask, submit them through one of the social accounts below and it may end up in a future episode!

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Nearly half of all adults have tried a fad diet or weight loss pill. Millions of adults have tried more than one fad diet or “magic” weight loss supplement in their life. In this weeks episode I discuss the dangers of falling prey to weight loss scams and how to avoid them. As well as how to lose weight and keep it off while healing your body.

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Life is hectic and the world has you turning in a thousand directions. It is confusing and it is overwhelming. Are you doing enough? Are you doing too much? It can seem impossible to find any clarity or peace in today’s world. This weeks episode is all about finding peace in that sea of chaos.

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This week I discuss mindset coaching and its benefits. Many people still struggle to overcome the stigma around therapy or they just want to tackle their problem head-on without dealing with the past or emotions. Mindset coaching is an excellent way to change your perception and outlook to create a happier life.

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When it comes to healing you cannot simply heal one part of yourself. Complete healing involves all 7 of your areas of wellness, and if even one is off, others will suffer. This week, I discuss this topic in depth and share how you can begin healing every area of your life.

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Listen to the Healing Ways Podcast.

The podcast is a weekly episode where I discuss varying topics related to mental health, relationships, the mind, holistic health, and hypnosis. It is designed for the casual listener as well as fellow clinicians. Occasionally, other professionals will be interviewed or guests on the podcast as well as those who are not in the field at all.

Available wherever you hear your favorite podcasts.